This was a nice chain of servers once...
6 years 2 days ago #6756
st2 is right! the servers are for the game (there is one like you, landlord ,,) .. not for calligraphy and obscene drawings ...! are Photoshop, Corel ... st2 does not have mental problems, you have blotek ... many dwarfs on the brain ... what dancing !!!! ... hihihi
This was a nice chain of servers once...
6 years 1 day ago #6757
You have nothing better to do cortex?
You're defending guy who actually mentioned in chat that u're the first one to cry on forum? Also he sort of suggested that u're a pain in the butt...
Glad to see after so many years you still can't speak english
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This was a nice chain of servers once...
6 years 1 day ago #6758
interesting! have you heard about fair play? ... I do not like to talk to a blocked player ... and I see you still understand my limba romana nu ma intelegeai deloc